
Tamil Dictionary definitions for Far

Far : தூரம்,தொலைவு

Far : இதுவரை,தூரம்,தூரம்,தொலைவு,தொலைவு

Far definition

Noun. A young pig, or a litter of pigs.


  1. Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent.
  2. Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty.
  3. Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated.
  4. Widely different in nature or quality; opposite in character.
  5. The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts.


  1. To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other.
  2. To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity.
  3. In great part; as, the day is far spent.
  4. In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly.